Dundee Elementary Academy is an International Baccalaureate (IB) School.

Dundee Elementary Academy implements the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program* offering a global education to elementary students of northeast Polk County, Florida. Using the inquiry cycle, we develop life-long balanced learners in a transdisciplinary program of concept-based learning. DEA teachers engage in the collaborative practice of understanding how children best learn. Students are encouraged to apply their learning within and beyond the classroom to change the world both locally and globally!


Mission Statement

Dundee Elementary Academy aims to develop influential citizens who are globally aware, internationally-minded, and have a passion for lifelong learning. We work as a highly qualified staff that works collaboratively with all stakeholders to provide inquiry-based instruction in a safe and supportive environment.

Want to learn more about our units?

  1.  Grade

    Who We Are

    An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

    Where We Are in Place and Time

    An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

    How We Express Ourselves

    An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

    How the World Works

    An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

    How We Organize Ourselves

    An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment

    Sharing the Planet

    An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.


    Who We Are
    7 weeks

    Central idea
    A person's identity is shaped by their environment and actions.

    Key concepts
    Connection, Responsibility, Causation

    Related concepts
    Causation- Identity
    Connection- Relationships, Structure
    Responsibility- Senses

    Line of inquiry

    1. Our decisions and actions affect our lives and others.
    2. The attributes that shape who we are.
    3. We use our senses to understand ourselves, others, and the world around us.

    Where We Are in Place and Time
    6 Weeks

    Central idea
    Observing patterns in our environment helps with navigation.

    Key Concepts
    Perspective, Causation, Function

    Related concepts
    Causation- Navigate, Physical Environment
    Function- Patterns (day/night, big/small)
    Perspective- Positional words)

    Line of inquiry

    1. How our observations of the world help shape our perspective.
    2. How landforms impact how we navigate
    3. Using maps to find people, places, and thing.

    How We Express Ourselves
    7 Weeks

    Central idea
    People, events, and cultures can be honored throughout traditions and celebrations.

    Key Concepts
    Perspective, Form, Connection

    Related concepts
    Connection- Beliefs and Values
    Form- Expression
    Perspective- Culture

    Line of inquiry

    1. The appreciation of how others express their culture through traditions and celebrations
    2.  Ways culture can be expressed through music and art
    3. Ways culture can be expressed through dance and music

    How The World Works
    9 Weeks

    Central idea
    Innovations can impact people and the environment.

    Key concepts
    Change, Function, Form

    Related concepts
    Change- Exploration
    Form- Adaptation
    Function- Innovation

    Line of inquiry

    1. How the past influences the future
    2. Ways materials can be used or changed for a variety of purposes
    3. Exploring inventions and innovations

     How We Organize Ourselves
    7 weeks

    Central idea
    The environment affects the structure and function of plants and animals.

    Key concepts
    Connection, Function, Form

    Related concepts
    Connection- Interdependence
    Form- Needs/Wants
    Function- Environment, Weather

    Line of inquiry

    1. The structure and function of animals (Form)
    2. The structure and function of plants (function)
    3. How plants and animals are alike and different (connection)
    No Unit
    1st Grade

    Who We Are
    6 weeks

    Central idea
    Senses help shape our perceptions.

    Key concepts
    Responsibility, Function, Perspective

    Related concepts
    Function - Decision Making
    Perspective- Needs vs. Wants
    Responsibility- Impact

    Line of inquiry

    1. How we use our senses to understand ourselves and the world around us.
    2. How we develop understanding and respect for other people’s similarities and differences.
    3. Using empathy to make a difference.

    Where We Are in Place and Time
    6 Weeks

    Central idea
    We honor people from history who have influenced our society.

    Key Concepts
    Change, Perspective, Connection

    Related concepts
    Change - Honor
    Connection - Chronology, History
    Perspective - Heritage

    Line of inquiry

    1. Our personal histories and how they Influence our lives.
    2. Significant people who have changed society through time.
    3. Honoring and remembering those who made a difference.
    How We Express Ourselves

    6 Weeks

    Central idea
    Ideas, beliefs, and values can shape culture, traditions, and celebrations.

    Key Concepts
    Perspective, Function, Causation

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- Communication Mathematics- relationships
    Social Studies- landmarks
    Causation- Culture, Diversity, Values
    Perspective- Celebrations, Traditions

    Line of inquiry

    1. Expressing our ideas, beliefs, and values.
    2. The significance of cultural traditions and how they work.
    3. Comparing cultures and how they can shape traditions.

    How The World Works
    4 Weeks

    Central idea
    Natural laws can be observed to learn about the world.

    Key concepts
    Function, Form, Connection

    Related concepts
    Connection- Discoveries
    Form- Forces
    Function- Motion

    Line of inquiry

    1. Natural laws.
    2. How natural laws affect the world.
    3. Using observations and discoveries to learn about our world.

    (2024-2025) How We Organize Ourselves
    7 weeks

    Central idea
    Community is driven by the involvement and actions of its members.

    Key concepts
    Function, Connection, Responsibility

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- elements, story-telling, structure Mathematics- data, patterns, relationships
    PE- community, self-regulation
    Science- forms of energy
    Social Studies- authority, conflict, ownership Connection- Community Involvement
    Function- Decision Making
    Responsibility- Needs vs. Wants

    Line of inquiry

    1. The wants and needs of a community.
    2. The roles and contributions that shape our community.
    3. How community decisions are made.

    (2024-2025) Sharing the Planet
    6 weeks

    Central idea
    Living things have needs that can be met by other living things and their environment.

    Key concepts
    Change, Function, Responsibility

    Related concepts
    Change- Living Things, Plants

    Line of inquiry

    1. The changes of living things.
    2. The basic needs of living things in their environment.
    3. How personal actions affect the world.
    2nd Grade

    Who We Are
    6 weeks

    Central idea
    Systems function within the body, cultures and communities.

    Key concepts
    Responsibility, Function, Form

    Related concepts
    Form- Structure
    Function- Function

    Line of inquiry

    1. How are families around the world the same and different?
    2. How do friends depend on each other?
    3. What happens when families work together
    4. How can people help their communities?
    Where We Are in Place and Time

    5 Weeks

    Central idea
    People change the world through discoveries and exploration.

    Key Concepts
    Causation, Connection

    Related concepts
    Causation- Relationship
    Connection- Purpose

    Line of inquiry

    1. Human migration throughout history.
    2. How events in nature affect people and places.
    3. Personal histories influence community and culture.
    How We Express Ourselves

    8 Weeks

    Central idea
    People express themselves in order to preserve culture, beliefs or values.

    Key Concepts
    Perspective, Form

    Related concepts
    Form- Perception
    Perspective- Identity

    Line of inquiry

    1. How history reveals the life of people from the past.
    2. How people express their culture, beliefs, and values in their communities.
    3. Natural resources influence the way people live.

    How The World Works
    6 Weeks

    Central idea
    People use processes to understand and impact the world.

    Key concepts
    Form, Function, Causation

    Related concepts
    Causation- Organization
    Form- Exploration
    Function- Discovery

    Line of inquiry

    1. How can individuals inspire world change?
    2. People use processes to understand the natural world and its laws.
    3. People make decisions based on their values and beliefs.
    How We Organize Ourselves

    5 weeks

    Central idea
    The study of how systems and communities are interconnected.

    Key concepts
    Connection, Causation, Change

    Related concepts
    Causation - Movement
    Connection - Sequence

    Line of inquiry

    1. How location determines supply and demand.
    2. How important scientific discoveries help us understand the world.
    3. How our choices affect our lives.
    (2024-2025) Sharing the Planet

    5 weeks

    Central idea
    Living things access resources depending on their opportunities.

    Key concepts
    Responsibility, Change

    Related concepts
    Change- Differences
    Responsibility- Design

    Line of inquiry

    1. How are offspring like their parents?
    2. How do living things adapt to their environment?
    3. The effects of resources on living things.
    3rd Grade

    Who We Are
    6 weeks

    Central idea
    Our perspectives and beliefs shape relationships with others.

    Key concepts
    Change, Form, Perspective

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- elements, Narrative, Theme Mathematics- patterns, relationships
    Social Studies- Maps
    Change- Traditions
    Form- Culture
    Perspective- Culture, Diversity

    Line of inquiry

    1. How location impacts cultural traditions and relationships
    2. How different cultures develop, share and preserve traditions.
    3. How culture and community shape what we value.

    Where We Are in Place and Time
    5 Weeks

    Central idea
    Environment and resources affect survival.

    Key Concepts
    Causation, Connection, Change

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- Central Idea Mathematics- patterns
    Science- forms of energy, Properties of Water Social Studies- Maps
    Causation- Interdependence
    Change- Impact
    Connection- Adaptation

    Line of inquiry

    1. How environment affects settlement patterns.
    2. How resources and climate affect settlement.
    3. The availability of food sources and how it impacts survival.
     How We Express Ourselves

    5 Weeks

    Central idea
    We can express ourselves using many different tools.

    Key Concepts
    Causation, Form, Perspective

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- elements, poetry, structure Mathematics- fractions
    Science- forms of energy, light, stars, sun
    Social Studies- interviews , landmarks , perceive places, poems
    Causation- Expression
    Form- Design
    Perspective- Creativity

    Line of inquiry

    1. How people use nature to create art.
    2. How people use poetry to express themselves.
    3. How the sun and stars benefit our lives.
    How The World Works

    7 Weeks

    Central idea
    People can use and apply their understanding of science in their daily lives.

    Key concepts
    Function, Causation, Perspective

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- Cursive
    Mathematics- Measurement, quadrilaterals, symmetry , time
    Science- forms of energy, innovation , scientist Causation- Laws
    Function- Properties
    Perspective- Principles

    Line of inquiry

    1. How our knowledge of science impacts our daily lives.
    2. How scientists collect data and research during investigations.
    3. How scientists communicate their findings.
    How We Organize Ourselves

    7 weeks

    Central idea
    Roles within a system provides structure.

    Key concepts
    Connection, Function, Form

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- elements, Theme
    Mathematics- patterns
    Science- Inquiry
    Social Studies- authority, ownership
    Connection- Structure
    Form- Relationships
    Function- Role, Systems

    Line of inquiry

    1. Structure influences how things are organized.
    2. Roles within a system connect to a common goal.
    3. The function of systems helps to attain wants and needs.
    Share the Planet

    5 weeks

    Central idea
    Our way of living influences all living things.

    Key concepts
    Function, Responsibility, Connection

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- Text Features, Text Structure Mathematics- relationships
    Science- Classify Animals , Seasonal changes Social Studies- environment influences Connection- Environment
    Function- Relationship
    Responsibility- Impact

    Line of inquiry

    1. Classifying animals to better understand how the environment affect them.
    2. Our responsibility to protect natural habitats and the living things in them.
    3. Scientific advancements can have positive and negative affects to all living things.
     4th Grade

    Who We Are
    6 weeks

    Central idea
    Decisions and choices affect our well-being..

    Key concepts
    Perspective, Responsibility, Causation

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- Narrative, Theme Mathematics- data
    Science- food chain, plant lifecycles, Seasonal changes
    Social Studies- conflict, Maps
    Causation- Choice
    Perspective- Balance, Lifestyle Responsibility- Needs

    Line of inquiry

    1. How our actions affect health.
    2. How financial choices affect our well-being.\
    3. How plants and animals contribute to our well-being.

    Where We Are in Place and Time
    6 Weeks

    Central idea
    Exploration led to change in civilizations.

    Key Concepts
    Connection, Form, Change, Causation

    Related concepts
    Science- Constellations, Moon patterns, Space exploration
    Social Studies- explorers , native american tribes Causation- Consequences, Navigation Change- Discovery, Indigenous Tribes Connection- Discoveries, exploration
    Form- Exploration

    Line of inquiry

    1. Indigenous tribes.
    2. How the universe is used in the navigation of exploration.
    3. The motivations of exploration and discovery.
    4. The effects of exploration and discovery.
     How We Express Ourselves

    6 Weeks

    Central idea
    Personal expression can inspire societal change.

    Key Concepts
    Perspective, Change, Causation

    Related concepts
    Science- forms of energy
    Social Studies- Great depression , Land boom , Spanish American Wars
    Causation- Civil rights
    Change- Impact, Progress
    Perspective- Celebrations, Creativity, Culture, Diversity, Identity, Traditions

    Line of inquiry

    1. Ways people express their opinions and ideas.
    2. How and why change is inspired.
    3. Individuals that inspire change.
    How The World Works

    6 Weeks

    Central idea
    Humans may create systems that can solve problems and support human endeavors.

    Key concepts
    Connection, Form, Function

    Related concepts
    Science- Changes in Materials, Conservation of Mass, Magnets, Properties of Matter, Properties of Water Social Studies- economy , space program , tourism Connection- Community Involvement, Government Systems
    Form- Structure
    Function- Systems

    Line of inquiry

    1. What a system is.
    2. The purpose and function of systems.
    3. The way systems connect with each other.
    How We Organize Ourselves

    7 weeks

    Central idea
    Community is driven by the involvement and actions of its members.

    Key concepts
    Function, Connection, Responsibility

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- elements, story-telling, structure Mathematics- data, patterns, relationships
    PE- community, self-regulation
    Science- forms of energy
    Social Studies- authority, conflict, ownership Connection- Community Involvement
    Function- Decision Making
    Responsibility- Needs vs. Wants

    Line of inquiry

    1. The wants and needs of a community.
    2. The roles and contributions that shape our community.
    3. How community decisions are made.
    Sharing the Planet

    6 weeks

    Central idea
    We share the planet with many living things and our actions can affect their existence.

    Key concepts
    Connection, Change, Responsibility

    Related concepts
    English Language Arts- Central Idea, Reasons and Evidence, Text Features, Text Structure Mathematics- Angles, data, Measurement Science- Adaptation, forms of energy, Living Things Social Studies- government
    Change- Invasive Species
    Connection- Environmental Adaptation Responsibility- Living Things

    Line of inquiry

    1. How living things impact the environment.
    2. How the environment adapts to change.
    3. How living things use resources.
     5th Grade

    Who We Are
    4 weeks

    Central idea
    Living systems work together in order to survive.

    Key concepts
    Function, Causation

    Related concepts
    Causation- Consequences, Progress, Relationships, Significance
    Function- Conflict, Rights, Structures, Systems

    Line of inquiry

    1. Living Systems
    2. Impact of environments on living systems
    Where We Are in Place and Time

    4 Weeks

    Central idea
    Exploration leads to new opportunities.

    Key Concepts
    Change, Causation

    Related concepts
    Causation - Economy, Innovative Ideas, Tools Change- Conflict, Discovery, Progress

    Line of inquiry

    1. The importance of exploration
    2. The challenges of exploration
     How We Express Ourselves

    5 Weeks

    Central idea
    Investigating helps to discover and express ideas.

    Key Concepts
    Responsibility, Form

    Related concepts
    Form- Analyze, Discover, Interpret, Investigate Responsibility- Conditions, Data, Logic, Variable

    Line of inquiry

    1. Developing and planning
    2. Conducting an investigation.
    3. Expressing results to justify discoveries.
    How The World Works

    12 Weeks

    Central idea
    Humans find ways to understand the world around them.

    Key concepts
    Connection, Perspective, Change

    Related concepts
    Connection- Processes , Transformation Perspective- Classification

    Line of inquiry

    1. Patterns help us understand the world
    2. Investigating properties of the natural world
    3. How processes create change
    How We Organize Ourselves

    9 weeks

    Central idea
    Society needs systems to survive.

    Key concepts
    Connection, Function, Causation

    Related concepts
    Causation- Resources, Safety, Systems
    Connection- Climate, Geography, Patterns, Weather

    Line of inquiry

    1. Human made systems and their functions
    2. Risk taking leads to the development of systems
    3. The purpose of systems and how they are connected
    Sharing the Planet

    41 weeks

    Central idea
    The world is made up of many complex situations that we can create a plan to help solve. OR Students may create their own central idea tied to their topic/issue

    Key concepts
    Perspective, Responsibility, Form

    Related concepts
    Mathematics - charts , graphs

    Line of inquiry

    1. Students will create personal lines of inquiry based on their issue/topic

Dundee Elementary Academy is an international Baccalaureate (IB) School.

Dundee Elementary Academy implements the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program* offering a global education to elementary students of north east Polk County, Florida. Using the inquiry cycle, we develop life-long balanced learners in a transdisciplinary program of concept based learning. DEA teachers engage in the collaborative practice of understanding how children best learn. Students are encouraged to apply their learning within and beyond the classroom to change the world both locally and globally!